If you join a chicken or poultry group online, you will see a lot of abbreviations and lingo thrown around. For someone new to chickens and poultry or looking for information online, it can get very confusing. So, I have compiled a list below of common chicken-related terms below with their meanings.
Common Terms
- Straight Run = Unsexed, not sold as male or female
- Pullet = Young Female Chicken
- Cockerel = Young Male Chicken
- Broody = A hen that wants to sit on eggs
A broody hen on her nest
- Brooder = A set up for housing chicks. Typically a tub or tank with a heat source.
- Cull = Kill a chicken, usually this term is used when the bird has an illness or defect and needs to be removed from the flock.
- Dual Purpose = A breed that can be used for egg-laying or meat.
- Heritage = A pure, old breed of chicken. A good example is a Leghorn. Newer “mixed” breeds, like Mosaics or Americana are not heritage breeds.
- Show Quality = A specific bird that meets physical breed standards. This makes it a good candidate for breeding and poultry shows.
- Leakage = When incorrect coloring is present on a specific chicken. For example, Ayam Cemanis should have solid black feathers. A poor quality Ayam Cemani may have brown feather “leakage”.
An Ayam Cemani (or possibly mix) roo with a lot of brown leakage
Common Abbreviations
- Roo = Rooster
- Orbs = Eggs (often used on Facebook and online marketplaces to avoid getting flagged)
- SR = Straight Run
- TSC = Tractor Supply Co
- RK = Rural King
- UFD = Up For Discussion (Instead of saying “For Sale”)
Breed Abbreviations
- RIR = Rhode Island Red
- BCM = Black Copper Maran
- BYM = Barnyard Mix (an assorted mix of different breeds)
- EE = Easter Egger
- OE = Olive Egger
- Orp = Orpington
- BO = (usually) Buff Orpington
- LO = Lavender Orpington
- BLW = Black Laced Wyandottes
- SLW = Silver Laced Wyandottes
- AC = Ayam Cemani
Hopefully this list clears up some chicken-related terms and abbreviations for you.